Location - Catholic Education Centre
Session Outline
Article #1 (in Resources tab)
Building Trusting Relationships for School Improvement:
Implications for Principals and Teachers
Book (provided)
What Great Principals Do Differently – Chapter 5
4:30 p.m. Opening Prayer (prepared by participants), Introductions, Check In, and Ice Breaker
5:00 p.m. Meal
5:30 p.m. Guest Speaker – Principal Roger Lauck on Building Relationships with his Staff
6:00 p.m. Review of Pre-Reading Articles (Group Work with Guiding Questions)
Questions for discussion:
- Article #1 (p. 10-11) lists a number of barriers to developing and maintaining trusting relationships. In what ways have these been present in your professional career?
- Article #1 (p. 12-14) suggests a number of ways school leaders can build trust with teachers. In what ways have you observed these in your daily practice?
- Article #1 (p. 15-17) outlines some places to begin when building trust among teachers. Have you ever been involved in any of them?
6:45 p.m. Break
6:55 p.m. Stephen Covey video on Building Relational Trust in Organizations
Discuss 13 Behaviors of High Trust People (in Resources Tab)
- In your group, discuss the behaviors on your sheet in relation to what they might look like in a school setting. Report back to the larger group.
7:30 p.m. Explanation of Monthly Blog Reflection and Twitter Chat
7:45 p.m. Review What Great Principals Do Differently
Chapter 5 – Treat Everyone with Respect, Every Day, All the Time
8:00 p.m. Closing Discussion – Aha Moment, Take-Away
8:25 p.m. Closing Prayer - A Principals Prayer (In Resources tab)